There are several reasons why a separate ID number for a business card may be useful:

  1. Separation of personal and professional identity: Having a separate ID number for business purposes allows individuals to keep their personal and professional identities separate.
  2. Improved security: A separate ID number for business cards can provide an additional layer of security against identity fraud.
  3. Better organization: A separate ID number for business cards can make it easier for individuals to keep track of their professional contacts and activities.
  4. Compliance with regulations: Some industries may require a separate ID number for business cards in order to comply with regulations or industry standards.
  5. Ease of use: A separate ID number for business cards can make it easier for individuals to share their professional contact information with others.

1 Comment

  • Erwin

    I was thinking about it, in the first moment it sounds unusual but its a great idea – I like it and will join

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